Editor’s Corner: The People of ASRA Pain Medicine
Cite as: Machi, A. Editor’s corner: the people of ASRA Pain Medicine. ASRA Pain Medicine News 2024;49. https://doi.org/10.52211/asra110124.002.
Producing this newsletter is a volunteer operation that begins and ends with you, the reader. It is from you that we receive inspiration for articles or the occasional pitch and offers to contribute, and it is for you
that we prepare content to consume, integrate, and spread. I would like to welcome you further into our process and share some details with you so that how we develop the newsletter is more approachable.
Some ideas begin with an email to asraeditor@asra.com, while others begin within a special interest group or from within our team. From there, our editors, associate editors, and newsletter team members work with authors to create high-quality articles of approximately 1,000 words in length. Articles are CrossRef Indexed, follow Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine guidelines for citation, and are vetted accordingly. Our production timeline plays out across months, and authors submit their article drafts 3 months before we publish an issue. Along the way, many people could assist in the newsletter’s production, including the newsletter publication team, ASRA Pain Medicine executive team members, ASRA Pain Medicine Board of Directors members, and potentially others, such as ASRA Pain Medicine member content experts. Teamwork makes the dream work, and I share another great edition of the newsletter.
As we prepare to meet in Las Vegas for the 23rd Annual Pain Medicine Meeting on November 21-23, 2024, we also share with you an introduction to the 50th Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting in Orlando, FL, May 1-3, 2025. Meeting Chair Dr. Vishal Uppal is creating a fantastic program around Safety, Efficacy, and Innovation, including using artificial intelligence in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. The special program is designed to enhance your understanding of complex pain medicine and regional anesthesia issues and includes a special 50th-anniversary celebration.
This issue includes in-depth articles on small fiber neuropathy, scrambler therapy, and the use of cannabis for managing pain and spasticity related to multiple sclerosis. Additionally, there’s a noteworthy article on nerve blocks performed under general anesthesia that could spark valuable discussions with colleagues. What are your thoughts on this approach, particularly in light of the considerations presented by the author, Jeff Gryzbowski, MD?
Meeting Chair Dr. Vishal Uppal is creating a fantastic program around Safety, Efficacy, and Innovation, including using artificial intelligence in regional anesthesia and pain medicine.
We also feature a highly regarded technical article on point-of-care ultrasound focusing on the right ventricle. Finally, the issue wraps up with insights on mentorship within ASRA Pain Medicine and our field, an infographic on the environmental sustainability of pain procedure suites, and a comprehensive literature review.
A big thank you to the readers, authors, newsletter team members, editors, ASRA Pain Medicine staff, and all the volunteers who made this and every edition of the newsletter possible. You are the heart and soul of this publication, and we are grateful for you. As always, please email me at asraeditor@asra.com with your ideas and comments.