A Reflection on 2021
Cite as: Elmofty DH. Editor's message: a reflection on 2021. ASRA News 2021;46. https://doi.org/10.52211/asra110121.062

As we near the two-year mark of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has led to innumerable deaths and defining moments, we enter a new year, 2022, full of opportunities and hopes. These past two years have led us to reflect on the essential things in life and on giving meaning to what truly matters. We all have different needs and priorities, but we share one thing in common: living a life of fulfillment. Never lose sight of the essential things in life: peace, love, health, friendship and family, purpose, and lifelong learning.
Describing these past two years is quite the challenge as there have been so many high and low moments. As healthcare providers, we have experienced extreme exhaustion, sometimes felt detached, and even suffered from a lack of a sense of personal accomplishment. But our commitment to our patients never diminished. As we embark on closing the chapter to 2021 and embrace a new year, we know that uncertainty is still in the air. But we can empower 2022 by focusing on what we can control. Before the new year commences, think about what you want for your life and how to achieve it. Create a vision detailed out by each aspect of your life – career, personal life, family life, hobbies, and passions. We only have one shot at life, so live it in the most productive and positive way possible. You have a choice. You can let life happen to you, or you can influence it. Let’s all choose to influence it!
What to look forward to in 2022 from the ASRA Newsletter:
- Be on the look out for our “Spotlight on the Trainee.” See what our future generation of regional and pain medicine physicians are accomplishing in their quest against pain.
- “Brain Teaser” questions on social media: Test your knowledge on the latest topics in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Follow us on twitter @ASRA_Society and on Facebook
- More POCUS and “How I Do It” articles
- Let us know what you want in 2022. Email us at asraeditor@asra.com.
See you at the 20th Annual Pain Medicine Meeting, “Pain 2021: A Whole New World” November 18-20, 2021, in San Francisco, CA, and virtually.

Dalia H. Elmofty, MD, is the editor of the ASRA News. Dr. Elmofty is an associate professor and associate program director of the Pain Fellowship at the University of Chicago.
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