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President’s Message: ASRA Pain Medicine: The Gold Standard in Guidelines and Education
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ASA and ASRA Pain Medicine: Speaking With One Voice
From Rag to Riches: The Early Years of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Enhancing Patient-Physician Interactions: Addressing Barriers and Strengthening Relationships in the Perioperative Setting
ASRA Answers: Is the Use of Skin Wheals in Interventional Pain Procedures an Obsolete Practice?

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Issue Archives
Newsletter Committee:
Vivian Ip, MBChB, FRCA
Anthony Machi, MD
Vice Chair
Rajnish Gupta, MD
Board Liaison
Kwesi Kwofie, MD, FRCPC
Associate Editor, Regional
Priyanka Singla, MBBS, MD
Associate Editor, Pain
Engy Said, MD
Associate Editor, Social Media
Marcelle Blessing, MD
Member-at-Large, Regional
Jeffrey Grzybowski, MD
Member-at-Large, Regional
James Krakowski, MD
Member-at-Large, Regional
Monika Nanda, MD
Member-at-Large, Regional
Howard Meng, MD
Member-at-Large, Pain
Mohammed Rasouli, MD
Member-at-Large, Pain
Harsha Shanthanna, MD, MBBS
Member-at-Large, Pain
Vinita Singh, MD, MS
Member-at-Large, Pain
Kris Vermeylen, MD, PhD
Foreign Correspondent
Carlos Restrepo-Garces, MD
Foreign Correspondent
Francois Retief, MBChB, MMed, Foreign Correspondent
J. Balavenkat, MBBS
Foreign Correspondent
Garrett Barry, MD, FRCPC
Foreign Correspondent
Dalia Elmofty, MD
Ad Hoc
Adeeb Oweidat, MD
Ad Hoc
Anishinder Parkash, MD
RFC Chair
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ASRA Pain Medicine welcomes submissions from members and
others interested in the field of regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Our
quarterly e-newsletter addresses society news and leadership updates,
educational articles to advance the science and practice of regional anesthesia
and pain medicine, point-counterpoint discussion relevant to clinical practice,
and select literature reviews. All other content does not fall within the
purview of ASRA Pain Medicine News. If
you have an article idea you'd like to share, please submit it to asraeditor@asra.com for
If you are preparing an article for publication, please first review our Information for Authors, which includes our publication agreement, writing requirements, and reference style.
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ASRA Pain Medicine News invites the submission of infographics along with article submissions or separately regarding a published article. Infographics should contain reference(s) (up to 5) and a short summary, along with authorship information.
Letters to the Editor
Readers are invited to submit letters to the editor in response to specific articles or topics addressed in the ASRA Pain Medicine News. Letters must include the author's full name, credentials, city, state, telephone number, and email address. Anonymous letters will not be considered. Letters will be reviewed and responded to, if appropriate. Select letters may be considered for publication at the discretion of the editor; in such instances, letters may be edited for clarity and space. Email letters, along with comments and suggestions to ASRAEditor@asra.com.
©2022 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher.
Articles that appear in the ASRA Pain Medicine News are the original work of the authors. Authors must attest that their institutions have approved the protocol for any investigation involving humans or animals and that all experimentation was conducted in conformity with ethical and human principles of research. Patient information, details, descriptions, or images are only used if express written consent has been provided by the patient, and all reasonable effort is used to prevent the identification of patients.
Some issues may be produced with financial support from industry; however, all content is written, edited, and produced in complete independence of any financial support. Authors are required to disclose all commercial and non-commercial relationships, and relevant disclosures are presented within articles when appropriate.
ASRA Pain Medicine News is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November. Mention of specific products do not indicate or imply endorsement. Author opinions do not necessarily represent those of ASRA Pain Medicine.
ISSN: 2474-2864