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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month 2023

Sep 15, 2023, 11:00 AM by Diversity SIG


National Hispanic Heritage Month traditionally honors the cultures and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans. The month, which spans from September 15 to October 15, commemorates how those communities have influenced and contributed to American society at large.

For historical background, Hispanic Week was established in 1968 by legislation sponsored by Rep. Edward R. Roybal of Los Angeles and was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson. In 1988, the commemorative week was expanded to a month (September 15 to October 15) by legislation sponsored by Rep. Esteban Edward Torres (D-CA), amended by Senator Paul Simon, and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. September 15 was chosen as the starting point for the commemoration because it is the anniversary of the Cry of Dolores (early morning, September 16,1810), which marked the start of the Mexican War of Independence and thus resulted, in 1821, of the independence for the New Spain Colony (now Mexico and the Central American nations of Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua.)

The Diversity SIG is excited to highlight and learn the stories of several Hispanic and Latino/a members of ASRA Pain Medicine during this month.


An Interview with Nadia Hernandez, MD

An Interview with Juan Cata, MD


Perspectives Series:

Lost in Translation: Make the Call

Pursuing Medicine with Purpose: A Latino Student's Story

From the Dominican Republic to New York City: My Journey as a Foreign Medical Graduate

Overcoming Language and Cultural Barriers in Health Care

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