Practice Management

Edward Mariano Will Receive ASRA Pain Medicine’s 2023 Distinguished Service Award

Dec 21, 2022, 12:24 PM by ASRA Pain Medicine



Dr. Ed MarianoEdward R. Mariano, MD, MAS, FASA, will receive the 2023 Distinguished Service Award (DSA) from the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA Pain Medicine) at its 48th Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting in April in Hollywood, FL.

Dr. Mariano is a professor and senior vice chair of the department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine at Stanford University in Stanford, CA. He also serves as the chief of the Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care Service for the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System. Dr. Mariano is the president of the California Society of Anesthesiologists, chair of the Section on Education and Research for the American Society of Anesthesiologists, an editor of Anaesthesia, and has served in a number of roles with ASRA Pain Medicine, including as a former Board member, associate editor for Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine (RAPM), spring annual meeting chair, and editor of the newsletter.

“Ed Mariano is a very familiar name in all the circles of regional anesthesia and pain medicine because of his service to the community and his tireless efforts to advance the field,” wrote nominator Nabil Elkassabany, MD, MSE, MBA.

"This award belongs to all of us – my mentors and sponsors, my friends and colleagues – those passionate physicians out there who are constantly in pursuit of better outcomes and experiences for patients having surgery everywhere.” - Dr. Edward Mariano

Dr. Mariano’s career comprises many accomplishments in service of a wide variety of institutions and societies as well as volunteering on 14 international medical missions to the Philippines and Ecuador. However, Dr. Elkassabany specifically identified Dr. Mariano’s work to obtain accreditation for the regional anesthesia and pain medicine fellowship as his greatest accomplishment. “This effort alone would qualify him for the DSA as it was one of the most significant advancements for the entire field of regional anesthesia and acute pain medicine in decades,” Dr. Elkassabany wrote.

Dr. Mariano also led a multisociety consensus to establish the principles of acute perioperative pain management, which involved 14 medical societies and was published in RAPM.

“It is incredibly humbling to receive this award – one that has been previously given to pioneers and leaders in regional anesthesia and pain medicine," Dr. Mariano said. "It is even more meaningful, to have my service recognized by ASRA Pain Medicine – the society that took me in when I was just starting my career and has become my extended family over the course of nearly two decades.

"This award belongs to all of us – my mentors and sponsors, my friends and colleagues – those passionate physicians out there who are constantly in pursuit of better outcomes and experiences for patients having surgery everywhere,” he added.

Dr. Mariano earned his MD at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, before completing an anesthesiology residency followed by a pediatric anesthesiology fellowship at Stanford University. He also obtained a master of advanced studies in clinical research degree from the University of California, San Diego, where he also founded the institution’s first regional anesthesia and acute pain medicine program. He has authored more than 265 peer-reviewed manuscripts along with many book chapters and other publications. He is also a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.

The Distinguished Service Award is given annually to recognize a leader in regional anesthesiology and pain medicine. The 48th Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting will be held April 20-22, 2023, in Hollywood, FL.

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