Ultrasonography in Pain Medicine SIG

Match Exception Process

Mar 30, 2023, 15:40 PM by ASRA


Regional Anesthesiology & Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship Match Program with SF Match
2024-2025 Match Exception Process

Program Details:

To provide more consistency and predictability to the RA/APM fellowship application process, 58 RA/APM Fellowship programs are participating in a common application and match process provided by SF Match for recruitment for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Applicants and programs participate by registering with SF Match.  Applicants then apply to the programs of their choice. Both programs and applicants submit a rank list based on their preferences. Notably, only programs where an applicant has interviewed can be ranked in the match.

Critical to the match process, programs and applicants can make an Exception Agreement prior to submitting their rank list to SF Match. Exception Agreements allow an applicant and program to agree to match each other prior to submitting their respective rank lists.

Importantly, all RA/APM positions must be included in the match, including all Exception Agreement positions. Eligible applicants and programs who wish to take advantage of an exception rule are still required to participate in the match ranking process and must complete an exception agreement.

Exceptions to the standard match process have been agreed upon by the Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship Program Directors Group in the following situations:

  • Applicants who are in active military service at the time of application
  • Internal candidates – defined as applicants who are currently in the anesthesiology residency program, alumni of that residency program, or current attendings at the same institution as the RA&APM fellowship
  • Applicants who are making a commitment to come to the institution of the RA&APM fellowship for more than one year
  • Applicants enrolled in an anesthesiology residency outside the USA at the time of application and/or who are not eligible for ABA certification due to non-US training
  • Applicants who’s spouse or partner is applying for a professional opportunity in the same region as the RA&APM Fellowship

Program directors complete the first part of the match exception process. Once the program director completes this portion of the process, the applicant will receive the pdf form, which they then must complete. The completed document should be returned to the Program director who will then forward via email to raapm.match@gmail.com. The agreement document is downloadable at the link below. Public list will be published on the ASRA website as agreements come in.


Bradley Budde, MD
Mary Hargett
Raymond Joseph, MD
Mandip Singh Kalsi, MD 



Match Exception Agreement


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