ASRA's Commitment to Health and Safety
The health and safety of our members, faculty, staff, and other meeting participants are ASRA’s top priority. ASRA is working closely with the Disney Yacht & Beach Club Resorts and vendor partners to ensure adherence to local, state, and federal guidelines, and every effort is being made to provide a clean, safe, and comfortable meeting environment. Please direct any questions or concerns to 412-471-2718 or

Please review the following carefully. By registering for the in-person meeting, you are acknowledging receipt of this information and compliance with safety requirements and guidelines.
We're Committed to Keeping You Safe
This ASRA meeting will look a little different than past ones you may have attended. We will be limiting capacity in some rooms, incorporating one-way directional signage in the Exhibit Hall, encouraging social distancing, and ensuring frequent cleaning and sanitation of facilities. We will not be offering any open buffet meals or snacks during this meeting; food items may be individually packaged and prepared, served, and disposed of safely. There will be extra time between sessions for cleaning and sanitizing. We appreciate your compliance with and understanding of these changes.
All attendees, exhibitors, staff, and vendors must observe current federal safety guidelines including wearing face coverings at all times when not eating or drinking, maintaining safe distances from others, washing hands frequently, covering sneezes and coughs, and monitoring personal health. ASRA reserves the right to refuse entry or eject any attendee who exhibits active symptoms of illness or who refuses to comply with safety regulations. Please review the Walt Disney World Resort Guiding Principles and safety guidelines prior to attendance.
If you have recently been exposed to COVID-19 and believe you may be at risk of spreading the disease, please do not attend the meeting in-person.
If you become sick after you arrive to the meeting site, do not attend the meeting. Select sessions will be live-streamed for viewing from your room. Notify hotel staff of your need to quarantine as they will have measures in place to accommodate your needs.
Changes to Our Typical Registration Process
There will be no in-person registration at the meeting site. Please register via the ASRA website before arriving to the meeting site. If you need to change your registration or require other assistance, contact us at 412-481-2718 or for immediate service during the meeting. Off-site ASRA staff will be available to assist you during meeting hours.
Your meeting badge and any other provided materials will be delivered to your hotel room if you are staying at the Disney Yacht and Beach Club Resorts. If you are not staying on property, you will receive instructions about your designated material pick-up location.
Release of Liability
ASRA is not liable for any illness acquired from or during attendance at an ASRA meeting. Neither ASRA, the meeting site/venue, or any attendees can be held liable if an attendee becomes sick during or as a result of attendance at an ASRA meeting. By attending the meeting in person, you are agreeing to this waiver of liability.
We reserve the right to revise and adjust these guidelines as necessary to adhere to current health and safety guidelines. Please refer back to these guidelines upon arrival at the site venue to ensure compliance.
Thank you for your help in keeping everyone safe so that we may enjoy another successful educational event!