Non-CME Ancillary Events
ASRA Pain Medicine has provided space for these non-CME ancillary events. The programs were independently produced, are not subject to review by ASRA Pain Medicine, and are not part of the scientific/educational program offered by ASRA Pain Medicine.
Friday, 6:45-7:30 am
Breakfast Included, Roman Ballroom
Ultrasound-Guided Continuous Bilateral Erector Spinae Plane Blocks Are Associated with Reduced Opioid Consumption and Length of Stay for Open Cardiac Surgery
Faculty: Brian N. Vaughan, MD, FASA

Dr. Brian Vaughan will focus on Erector Spinae (ESP) Blocks for postoperative analgesia and discuss his recent study in cardiac surgery patients. This study demonstrates the use of continuous ESP blocks for open cardiac surgery and how this block is an effective option to decrease opioid consumption and improve patient outcomes.

Friday, 12:15-1:00 pm
Lunch Included, Roman Ballroom
Enter a New World of Postoperative Pain Management
Faculty: Randy Robbins, MD

Pain management in the first 72 hours after surgery is critical. As the body’s inflammatory process unfolds, the surgical site becomes increasingly acidic and limits the efficacy of local anesthetics, regardless of administration technique. But what if local anesthetics were capable of more? By attending this symposium, you will learn how a local anesthetic designed to consistently deliver pain relief for up to 72 hours after surgery could impact the way we treat pain. Attendees can RSVP at the following website, however, this is not required.

Saturday, 6:45-7:30 am
Breakfast Included, Roman Ballroom
Managing Acute Pain with Multimodal and Opioid Therapies: Where Is the Pendulum Today?
Faculty: Oscar de Leon-Casasola, MD - University of Buffalo, Sabry Ayad, MD, MBA, FASA - Cleveland Clinic
Efforts to reduce opioid misuse have led to the adoption of opioid-free and opioid-sparing techniques in the management of acute post-op pain. Despite significant progress, rational use of opioid therapy continues to be necessary for “optimal recovery” for many surgeries. This symposium will provide a clinical perspective on the use of opioid-free techniques, the impact on patient recovery, and discuss appropriate use of IV opioids in optimizing pain management.